A Woman Who Has Met Her Shadow Is The Most Powerful Woman In the World.
‘A woman who has met her shadow is the most powerful woman in the world’
I stopped dead in my tracks and I cried, I mean I cried. There was no stopping the tears, they were ready to flow and be released. I didn’t stop them, I didn’t judge them, I just let them flow. The long overdue rivers of tears purposefully made their way down my face, caressing my skin in a gentle reminder of who I no longer am, and who I am BEcoming. As each tear fell to the ground, a new awareness of space filled my BEing. A lightness crept in, a peace, a nurturing feeling of ‘Yes sweet soul, You are powerful’.
I BE, Not I AM
I am more than ‘I am’.
I find it difficult to explain to people who I am, for the labels I use seem irrelevant to who I truly BE. Yes, I am female. Yes, I am an aromatherapist. Yes, I am a nature witch. Yes, I am a Reiki Master. Yes, I am 52, but truth is, I am far greater than any label.
I BE rather than I AM is how I see me. I BE energy, I BE nature, I BE universally connected to all. Connecting to the energy of who I BE, evokes a sense of peace, of space and the gift of allowance for all of me.
The Magic of Autumn
It’s Autumn here in Tasmania and I am sitting outside writing this blog, listening to the sounds of nature. In front of me is a small liquid amber tree whose leaves are in the process of changing from their green tones to a blend of orange, yellow and brown in a dance of death. As the breeze plays gently in the tree, I hear the leaves falling to the ground in their final act of life.
It’s got me thinking! Is their death in vain - do they just fall to the ground and that’s it, or is there something greater going on in nature than I am unaware of?
Recipe: Winter Breathe Easy Blend
Winter Breathe Easy essential oil blend recipe - a wonderful blend to help clear your sinuses without being too strong.