The Magic of Autumn

It’s Autumn here in Tasmania and I am sitting outside writing this blog, listening to the sounds of nature. In front of me is a small liquid amber tree whose leaves are in the process of changing from their green tones to a blend of orange, yellow and brown in a dance of death. As the breeze plays gently in the tree, I hear the leaves falling to the ground in their final act of life.

It’s got me thinking! Is their death in vain - do they just fall to the ground and that’s it, or is there something greater going on in nature than I am unaware of?

I close my eyes, expand out beyond my space, and connect with the energy of the tree. I gently ask if I can tap into its energy and learn more from it, it acknowledges my request and lets me in. Instantly I am aware of the power of the tree, the energy pulsing through my body in waves. I smile, for I understand that the tree is fully alive. Time passes quickly and the sounds of life going on around me melt away until I get to the space of, I am the tree, and the tree is me. It is beautiful.

It is in this space that I begin to see, to understand and to know that the falling of the leaves is much, much more than just the season of Autumn and I ask if they would share their story with others.

This is what they wished to share with you.

red orange and yellow autumn leaves on a tree in front of a blue sky with the sun shining through

Dear beautiful stewards of the Earth,

Firstly, we acknowledge and thank you for the love we feel from many who walk the earth, for the kindness you offer, the smiles you share when we are wearing our ‘death coats’ of colour, the joy you get when you collect us from the Earth and keep us close or press us or use us in your artworks and the sheer delight we feel when we hear children giggling as they play in piles of us in the garden.

While it may be hard to understand as humans, but we offer to die, we offer to be released from the Standing One, or tree as you call it, in an act of kindness and love. Our falling allows the beautiful Standing One to survive the cold winter that is coming soon. If we remain on her branches, she will expend so much energy trying to keep herself alive, that it may be to her detriment. By offering to be released from her branches, she can preserve her energy and go within and survive ready to grow stronger in the spring. I am in awe at this new awareness.

‘We’re not done yet’, the leaves gently whisper to me. I giggle, expand out further and lean deeper into their energy. ‘I am ready to hear more’ I silently tell them, and they continue with their story.

You may think that we are done when we fall from the Standing One, but our gift of release is a gift to Mother Earth as well. You see, once we fall and rest ourselves on Mother Earth, we offer a home for the many tiny insects, grubs, bugs, and animals that live in the lower layers of the story of nature.

To them, we are a refuge, a home, food, a place to raise their young, and much more. We also become nutrients to Mother Earth so she too can survive the cold winter ahead and support the Standing Ones. Our leaves are mostly cellulose by the time we reach the ground but as we break down, we produce delicious organic matter that Mother Earth loves, kind of like chocolate to you humans. I giggle louder this time. Mother Earth takes our nutrients and guess what? She gifts this back to the Standing Ones, and the cycle begins again.

Sweet Earth stewards, we hope that we have shown that what may appear as the end of our life is the beautiful beginning of another cycle for the Earth and that we are so glad that we are a part of the magical season that you humans call Autumn.

With love - the leaves.

Tears gently make their way down my cheeks in a display of gratitude for the story the leaves have gifted me. As I thank them and prepare myself to return to my work, they offer one last message.

“Earth Children, please know that you are not separate from us, nor are you separate from Mother Earth, and we are so grateful that you are here, connecting with us and listening to our stories.

Thank you for your care, kindness and love and we encourage you to connect more, listen more and follow our cycles for they are the gift of life”.

Until next time sweet souls.

Much love and fragrant blessings,



I BE, Not I AM


Recipe: Winter Breathe Easy Blend