Reiki, Workshops & Intuitive Energy Mentoring

1:1 Sessions

  • group of smooth rocks piled on top of each other in foreground representing balance received during energy and reiki healing sessions

    Energy & Reiki Healing Sessions

    Experience the profound embrace of energy & reiki healing.

    This gentle, nurturing session combines reiki, energy, and guided meditation to unlock the healing power within you, and connect you with the abundant flow of universal energy.

    Energy Healing can be used for:

    • Relaxation

    • Self-healing

    • Connecting with your inner wisdom

    60 minutes

    Online or in-person

    Investment $111

  • person walking in a labyrinth made out of stones on edge of ocean representing intuitive energy mentoring sessions

    Intuitive Energy Mentoring

    As your Intuitive Energy Mentor, I am here to guide you in unlocking the extraordinary wisdom within your heart and soul, and support you as connect to your intuition and the path to the life you desire.

    Each session is sacred journey, tailored uniquely to you. Drawing upon universal energy, my intuition, and my spiritual team, we embark on a collaborative exploration of your soul’s desires and aspirations and ignite the sparks of transformation.

    90 minutes

    Online or in-person

    Investment $222

  • piece of paper with stamped letters spelling breathe to represent heart centred breathwork sessions

    Heart Centred Breathwork

    Heart Centred Breathwork sessions - where healing and transformation begins with every breath.

    Each session focuses on guiding you to reconnect with your hearts wisdom, and to support you as you release emotional blockages in key areas of your life that have been holding you back so you can embrace your true potential, and live a life filled with clarity, joy and inner peace.

    Online sessions

    Single session $150

    5 Sessions: $650

    10 Sessions: $1250

    Payment plans available

Reiki Training

  • Usui Reiki Level 1 (Shoden)

    Reiki Level 1 marks the initiation into the deeply profound journey of the Japanese healing system pioneered by Mikao Usui.

    You will learn the history of Reiki, how to work with universal life force energy, and tap into your own inner wisdom and guidance.

    During this level you will receive your first attunement, the first sacred, yet powerful symbol and techniques for self healing.

    Online or in-person (full day)

    Investment $444

    Contact me for dates and more information.

  • Usui Reiki Level 2 (Okuden)

    Reiki Level 2 (practitioner level) follows on from level 1 of the healing journey of this gentle, yet powerful modality, where you will enhance your skills, deepen your connection to the universal life force energy, and your own inner wisdom.

    During this level, you will receive two more attunements, learn two more sacred symbols and receive greater understanding of providing a reiki treatment to other people.

    Prerequisite: Reiki level 1.

    Online or in-person (full day)

    Investment $555

    Contact me for dates and more information.

  • Reiki Masters (Shinpiden)

    Reiki Masters is for those who would like to take their Reiki to deeper level or become Reiki teachers. Reiki Masters is a 1-month commitment with 2 classes, a catch up in between and a project to complete.

    During this level, you will receive two attunements, learn the powerful master symbols, be given guidance on setting up your own Reiki classes, and learn other practices to support you on your Reiki journey.

    Prerequisite: Reiki Levels 1 and 2.

    Online or in-person

    Investment $999

    Please contact me for dates and more information.

Workshops & Classes

  • Discover the Art of Natural Product Making.

    Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop where you'll create 5 delightful natural products to take home! Over the course of four hours, you'll learn the essentials of crafting your own natural products, guided by expert instructions.

    What’s Included:

    All materials and ingredients.

    A workbook for future reference.

    Light refreshments.

    This workshop is perfect for those looking to explore natural alternatives and enjoy a creative, fun experience. Please note that due to the use of certain ingredients, this workshop is not suitable for individuals with nut allergies or children under 12 years of age.

    Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey towards natural living!

    Next workshop - Sheffield, Tasmania

    Investment $90

  • ‘One Small Square’ – An Outdoor Nature Workshop

    Are you looking for a deeper connection to nature, but are not sure where to start?

    Why not join me for a half day workshop where we get out into nature and connect to Earth. Using a blend of guided meditation, oracle cards, journaling and ‘one small square’, we get to tap into the energy of Mother Earth and listen to her gentle whispers.

    In-person only

    Next workshop - TBA

    Investment $108

  • Everyone needs Linda in their life. As someone who has always identified as anxious, highly strung, high achieving...I struggle to get out of my head. Linda has held space on multiple occasions to free me from my monkey mind. Whenever a session finishes I feel light, free and I have a sense of who I BE rather than what I 'need to do'.

    I recommend Linda to friends often, because I see so much power in the work she does. Sometimes I cannot put it into words, because there are no words that fully describe it. Thank you Linda for being you and holding the space for me to be me.

    - Em Gee, Be Think Do Coaching

  • I had the most beautiful and magical session with Linda today. She tapped into my energy and my world in a way that was truly remarkable. It’s been over a year since my last session with Linda; I was amazed at how much she remembered about me, and I know this is because she loves and cares for the people she works with so much.
    Linda has fabulous tools that are so much fun to use, and her care, kindness and beautiful wit combined with her probing questions had me tapping into things that I didn’t know I knew until she showed me how to access the knowledge! Linda's intuitiveness is gobsmacking and she picked up things about me that took our conversation to truly meaningful places. It was out with the old and in with the new and as a result I feel more centred, grounded, and assured about the expansiveness that is my life.
    Thank you, Linda; the magic you helped the Universe and me create today is magic we will continue to create every day as I tap in and choose what’s next. What else is possible, I wonder?

    - Corrine Allison, Lionheart Mindshape

  • a misty forest

    I’ve been fortunate enough to have many one-on-one sessions with Linda and each time I have one I’m blown away by the accuracy of her insight and intuition. It’s like she can see inside my head better than I can! Despite this, Linda won’t give you answers. Her real magic is in her ability to ask the right questions so you realise and get clarity and understanding on the answers you already have within yourself. A session with Linda is unlike anything I’ve ever had before and I’m so grateful for the huge changes I’ve had in myself and in my life as a result of our sessions…I can’t recommend her highly enough!

    - Nicky Schulze, Kinesiologist & Website Developer